Why Become a Travel Advisor

While thousands of foreigners visit Japan, most of them miss out on experiencing the authentic and unique aspects of rural Japan, where we believe the roots of Japan’s culture and traditions originated and have been preserved for generations. We are convinced that to truly understand Japan, foreign visitors should explore these lesser-known places.

However, due to the lack of information, language barriers, and infrastructure challenges like transportation, visiting rural Japan isn’t an easy task. This is where you come in. We invite you to first explore these hidden gems and then provide us with guidance on how to attract the right people to these specific destinations. Our aim is to avoid mere promotion and instead create sustainable and enriching experiences.

Engage in Immersive Tours: Participate in uniquely curated experiences led by our Storytellers.

Offer Authentic Evaluations: Share genuine feedback, insights, and suggestions after each tour.

Shape Unforgettable Journeys: Your input will help shape these experiences, leaving lasting impressions.

More than Just a Tour: We’re not looking for participants who will simply take part in a monitor tour and forget about it. We encourage active engagement from you – to actively introduce these places to like-minded individuals who share the same values. Moreover, if you find a connection with these places and our mission, we envision you being a part of our future endeavors in the travel business. Your passion can make a lasting impact, and we welcome your collaboration in shaping the future of travel in rural Japan.

Are you ready to create a change?

“Though Inaka” is a unique platform that connects foreign tourists with the authentic essence of Japan, particularly in rural areas. The term “Inaka” refers to the countryside, where Japan’s true authenticity resides. We invite our guests to delve into and fully experience the essence of these rural regions, uncovering hidden wonders despite their rustic nature.

Why Choose “Though Inaka”?
Authentic experiences are the aspiration of every tourist visiting Japan. However, language barriers and misinformation often hinder the realization of this aspiration. Many businesses offer experiences that lack authenticity, leading to disappointment among travelers. As a responsible platform, we establish close partnerships with local communities. Our strength lies in our team of Storytellers and community members who possess extensive knowledge about the destinations.

Who are the Storytellers?
Our Storytellers go beyond being mere guides; they are passionate individuals enthusiastic about sharing the stories of their respective regions. Drawing from the wisdom of local experts, skilled artisans, and knowledgeable elders, these dedicated guides inspire guests with profound insights, aiding them in uncovering the true essence of each location.